Hi, I’m John.
Founder of Biblical Counseling, LLC and an ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor.
I’m also a husband, a father and most importantly a follower of Jesus Christ.
One of many things about Biblical Counseling that I enjoy is getting to build relationships with fellow believers in Jesus Christ. We are confidential and professional but we are not clinical. It is an honor getting to walk with you during times of struggle.
When seeking counseling, trust in who we share our most vulnerable thoughts and feelings with is extremely important; which is why I invite you to learn more about myself along with why I am so invested in helping others grow closer to Jesus Christ and His teachings.
My Testimony
I never remember a time when I did not believe there was a God. Sadly, in my pre-teen and early teenage years I really did not like God at all. I had so many false ideas about His character and judged Him harshly and unjustly because of painful situations I was having to deal with on my own. I enlisted in the Marine Corps and went to Marine Corps Boot Camp two days after I graduated from High School. During boot camp I read Paul’s letter to the Philippians. God started to open my eyes that He was much different than the god I had imagined. While in the Marine Corps I met the first person whom I knew had read the Bible completely for himself. He talked about things that I had no idea were in the Bible.
Soon, I made the commitment to read the entire Bible for myself.
Over the years I have read the Bible many times in different translations. I have studied the Bible in depth in areas that I was having some very painful problems. God has driven me to His Word so many times out of desperation. God has been so faithful and true in honoring His Word and blessing me and growing me through problems. I went to secular based counseling several times in my adult years and always felt it was such a shame that we could not speak about God and His solutions. It is such a hollow feeling to be seeking answers and knowing the One who has those answers is not even welcomed into the counseling room.
Biblical Counseling LLC was Born
I came to a point in my secular career that I was asked by my employer to tell those I worked with and those I worked for, things that I knew were not true. I had a choice to be a “team player” and go along with the agenda or to be expelled from the company. So after 22 years of successful and often very joyful and satisfying employment, God put me on a new path.
At 50 years of age, I learned about the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and their Biblical Counselor training program. They have developed an amazing, thorough and intense training program. As a young adult I graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor’s of Science. This training was as rigorous as anything I had experienced at Purdue.
It is an honor to be able to help Christians study and learn from God’s Word. God wants us to work through our problems walking right alongside Him. Jesus Christ has given us such clear teachings. My role is to help people think through for themselves how they can apply those teachings to their lives. We also have such a powerful and wise Counselor in the Holy Spirit that we can go to and seek help. He even promises to pray for us for those things that we do not even know to ask.
I have had some long and dark valley walks in my life and God has given me a heart that takes great joy in helping and encouraging others during their difficult times.
My Family
I live in Plymouth, Indiana with my wife and best friend Stacey. We have a son named Benjamin. I know God is generous because of the wife He has given me. I never understood the love that God has for us until I had a son of my own. We are so thankful for the little things in life that we get to enjoy together. Even though I am the founder of Biblical Counseling LLC, my family is a part of this team and we pray for each and every one of you.
There is hope, healing, restoration and victory in Jesus Christ.
Today is the day to pick up our cross and follow Him. What an amazing adventure He has for those who ask, seek, knock and have opened for them.
To Jesus Christ alone be all glory! Amen.